Giving hope and dignity

Giving hope and dignity

As part of the एक मुट्ठी आसमान program we at Hope and Care Foundation undertook a new initiative to bring relief for the people who struggle day in and day out to make a descent and dignified living.We identified households where large families stay together in single rooms and have a family member staying with them who has a serious medical condition.Lack of funds mean the family has to tend to the patients at home under very difficult conditions.We undertook to distribute room coolers to these families so that there is significant improvement in atleast some aspects of their life. We also gifted smart phones and tablets to girl students who have excelled in the recent Board examinations and are starting a new chapter in their lives by joining a college this year.
Empowering these families and especially these girls and extending a helping hand gives them hope to lay a foundation to rethink the future beyond themselves.